BalticNet-PlasmaTec (BNPT for short), as an international plasma technology cluster in north-eastern Germany, unites 79 members, from start-ups to large companies, R&D facilities, universities and technology centers. The network goals are achieved through joint projects and support offered to the cluster members. Services incorporate facilitating access to consulting, training, financing and funding services for the introduction of innovative technologies and products.
Optec-Berlin-Brandenburg (OpTecBB) e.V. Optec-Berlin-Brandenburg (OpTecBB) e.V. is the competence network for optical technologies and microsystems technology in the states of Berlin and Brandenburg. OpTecBB e.V. is an initiative of companies and scientific institutions in Berlin and Brandenburg that want to jointly develop and utilize these technologies. OpTecBB e.V. was founded by companies, research institutions, universities and associations with the support of the responsible state ministries of Brandenburg and the Senate of Berlin. Today, the association has around 130 institutional members.
Deutsche Mittelstandshilfe e.V. Deutsche Mittelstandshilfe e.V. is staffed by volunteer specialists from almost all sectors of the economy - from the executive floors of international corporations, from industry and SMEs, from technology or business consulting. All specialists are experienced practitioners and offer their know-how and time free of charge. For a variety of reasons, the consultants have gradually retired from their commercial or professional activities and are now working on a voluntary basis. The objective is to identify and introduce necessary measures to sustainably improve the economic and structural situation for its members.
AiF InnovatorsNet connects innovative companies, start-ups, research facilities, institutions and individuals and creates transparency in the complex innovation system. Members are informed about current topics, exchange information in a targeted manner and have the opportunity to come into direct contact with people who have a high level of expertise in relevant areas. All members share a curiosity for new things, the pursuit of development and a strong willingness to act. The network management curates the content on offer and develops tools that enable and stimulate access to each other in the network. The advisory services support members in determining their individual needs. An offer is drawn up for this and assessments are planned in the next step. This can be carried out by our own interdisciplinary team of experts or in collaboration with a selection of highly qualified external experts.
European Society of Thin Films e.V. Innovative technologies are the key to economic success and social acceptance. New systems, processes and materials in the field of surface, thin-film, vacuum and plasma technologies can be used to make products and processes more efficient and sustainable. The joint research organized by the EFDS guarantees that the technical developments for new types of coating as well as tool and component properties are continuously improved. |