
Q-MACS HHL Heatsink
The Q-MACS HHL Heatsink is a water cooling circuit, which can be used to mount a laser in the HHL package and offers optimum thermal properties for this purpose. The compact design allows continuous use even in complex optical setups.


Q-MACS Germanium Etalon
The Q-MACS Germanium etalon is widely used to determine and monitor the wavelength range of tunable lasers in the MIR spectral range. For this purpose, a part of the output signal of the tunable laser is passed through the germanium etalon. During the tuning of the laser, the transmission through the germanium crystal is modulated, with the distance between the transmission peaks corresponding to the FSR (free spectral range) of the etalon. Thus, the wavelength change can be determined with high accuracy via the tuning of a laser can be determined with high accuracy. The integration of our germanium crystals in a robust aluminum housing allows safe use in a wide range of applications in everyday laboratory work and also under industrial conditions. The Q-MACS Germanium etalon is offered in different standard dimensions to fulfill various accuracy needs.

  • Q-MACS GE 1" resulting in an FSR of 0.049 cm-1
  • Q-MACS GE 3" resulting in an FSR of 0.016 cm-1
  • Q-MACS GE 6" resulting in an FSR of 0.008 cm-1

We also offer customized versions of our germanium etalons. Contact us with your specific requirements.
The exact FSR of the germanium etalon depends on the wavelength range of the laser radiation and the temperature of the germanium crystal.


The Q-MACS IRDM is a compact detection unit for mid-infrared radiation. It contains an extremely low-noise preamplifier, which is available in two bandwidth versions for the detection of fast or continuous signals. The temperature controller for controlling the thermoelectric cooling elements, is available in digital and analog versions. The analog temperature control ensures the lowest possible noise, but requires active heat dissipation, e.g. by means of a water cooling system, for long-term operation. The very compact external dimensions of the detector open up a wide range of applications for online measurements in research and industry.


Q-MACS Research
The Q-MACS Research is an extended version of the Q-MACS Basic. It is a robust and versatile laser driver system for various applications in the field of infrared absorption spectroscopy. The Q-MACS Research adds an additional optics module to a laser driver of the Q-MACS Basic series. This allows the generation of a parallel infrared laser beam and a collinear visible alignment laser beam.
The optics module consists of:

  • base plate
  • XYZ stage
  • alignment laser
  • removable beam splitter
  • off axis parabolic mirror (OAP)
  • 2 gold coated mirrors on adjustable mirror mounts